When a client does not pay you, you have a few options. However, often times, your clients leave you limited options. Obviously, we prefer that everyone holds up their end of the bargain in every deal. Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. Proactively First and foremost, you need well written protective contracts. The […]
Statute of Limitations and Debt Collection
The general concept of a statute of limitations is well known to the public. Most people are aware that there is a set time period after the occurrence of an injury during which you can file a lawsuit against a person for recovery of damages from that injury. The same goes for prosecution of criminal […]
North Carolina Exempt Property from Claims of Creditors
Property in North Carolina Safe From Creditors Disclaimer: All numbers and exemptions were accurate in 2013 when this article was written. In North Carolina, and every state, there are particular assets that the government has protected from creditors who are attempting to collect on a debt or through bankruptcy. These are called exempt property. There […]